A Guide to Building a Data Catalog for Your Business

Whether you own your own company or you’re currently in a leadership position, you are well aware of the large amounts of data that your company can amass in a very short amount of time. In a single day, your company is gathering hoards of information from both internal and external data sources just under normal operations. This large unstructured data is referred to as your company’s big data. This raw data and information contain key insights about your current business processes as well as potential changes you could make to your business. In order to unlock these valuable insights, though, you need the right software solutions and integrations. The first of these to obtain is integration software for organizing and classification.

When your company’s big data is disorganized and disjointed it can lead to issues in many of your operations. From slowing down your employees’ workflows to complicating customer interactions, a lack of data management in your operations is not ideal. One of the most popular and emerging forms of data management in the business world today is the data catalog. The following are some of the best data catalog software solutions and beneficial use cases for this form of data management.

What is a data catalog?

The best way to understand what a data catalog is would be through comparison. A data catalog is most easily comparable to a physical library. In the same way that librarians in their staff organize books and implement classification systems, a data catalog categorize is all the various data sources and metadata insights that your business contains. Having highly organized operations are the best way to ensure efficiency and optimization in your employees’ workflows and daily tasks.

The main benefit of using data catalogs in your business processes is that it accelerates and optimizes your employee’s interactions with key data assets. Employing automation for your metadata management system can transform your company’s decision-making and data curation processes. A data catalog solution can take large amounts of data, specifically unstructured data, and efficiently route it to the areas and departments in which it is needed. In the past, this sort of task would have to be done manually, which is tedious and burdensome for your team, and it also leaves a lot of room for human error. The ease of use and increased access to data through automation allows your employees to increase their output and improve their daily productivity.

Benefits and Use Cases for Data Catalog Deployments

Any modern business owner knows that data intelligence tools are crucial to the success of your business. It’s hard to imagine a time when we didn’t utilize software solutions and integrations to help with structuring and organizing our data assets. What allows a data management deployment to stand out now is its ability to help business owners and their teams quickly adapt and evolve to changing business conditions. Data catalog solutions help business users to be easily adaptable through their agility features.

Agility and scalability are two of the most crucial functions of a good data catalog system. Being able to configure these software solutions your company deploys is key to using these integrations to their full potential. Agility and scalability also allow you to cut operational costs in many ways. By not paying licensing fees from more software solutions than your team needs, you’re saving money right from the jump. Once you’ve deployed the software integrations that best fit your operations, they will provide you with essential insights into your current and decision-making process. even slight changes in your supply chain or sales channels through the use of a data catalog can lead to increased revenue and profits as well as reduced costs.
