Seven Game-Changing Games Using Touchscreen
Many mobile games are better on a touchscreen. This makes it possible to play them on a touchscreen gaming notebook. Some of these games are awesome and we have showcased seven for you to see what you are missing if you have always preferred a console.
For those who want to play music and get in the rhythm of it, Voez requires you to follow the beat exactly. You will need a touch screen for this game, which has 17 levels and three modes (easy, hard, and special). For example, a specific song in easy mode will be level three. In hard mode, it is level eight, and in special mode, the level is thirteen. It all depends on the song.
The four movements exercised in the game are sliding, swiping, tapping, and pressing down. Players are advised not to play with their thumbs. Finger use is more accurate. Voez is free on the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store. You can purchase additional songs but at times more free songs are released.
The aim of the game is to release butterflies from their cocoons using a magic current and weaving between jewels. Although this sounds simple, there are some symbols and mind-boggling puzzles to solve along the way. A Touchscreen Gaming Notebook is perfect for Spellkeeper.
Civilization VI
Civilization VI is the latest turn-based release of the Civilization strategy game. It can still be played by beginners who can start with Sumeria, Germany, or Russia. There are new leaders and civilisations to pick from as well. The aim is to construct the ultimate, lasting empire. The touch function of this hybrid (also available for console) is supported in a handheld mode.
MUSYNX is the Chinese version of Voez. It features Japanese and Korean artists performing mainly rock, techno, and pop. It has enough songs to keep you occupied and also makes use of levels. MUSYNX has a button interface for easy touch control.
The World Ends With You: Final Remix
This role-playing game (RPG) has clearer visuals and is more sensitive to swiping and tapping on a touch screen. Taking on the role of Neku, and chasing some intriguing bad guys, this game is played across an urban environment in Tokyo. The World Ends With You: Final Remix has an anime art style.
Rayman Legends Definitive Edition
Rayman Legends Definitive Edition, the fifth in the series, is the sequel to Rayman Origins from 2011. This charming game is feted as the number one 2D platform today. Touchscreen has reformed the game and overcomes several problems playing on a console. Rayman features eleven worlds and increasingly challenging levels.
In handheld mode, the touchscreen outperforms the standard docked mode of playing. It also does well when using a mouse and desktop. Terraria has multiple menus and commands. Its Zoom feature is great for both playing and reading the map on a smaller screen. This action-packed game offers a chance to build a city and challenges you to fight to survive.
Touchscreen is making gaming more seamless, fast-paced, and exciting.