6 tips to planning an excursion for a senior citizen center
When planning an excursion for a senior citizen center, there are a lot of things you should take into consideration. From the safety and health of the patrons to ensuring that the activities you plan are suitable for the age group, you want to be on top of your game when it comes to making sure that everyone has a good time. That said, below are a few planning tips to consider;
Plan for a few activities
This is a no brainer. Elderly individuals may not have the same amount of energy as you or as compared to a younger crowd. You need to understand that every once in a while they will need to rest and relax before moving to the next activity. Also, they may not be able to go on multiple activities in one day so plan for your activities sparingly.
Carry an emergency kit
If you are in charge of taking care of senior people, then you know that the emergency kit should come with you to an excursion. Chances are that some of these individuals have poor health and need someone to constantly check up on them to see if they are okay. In addition to having an emergency medical kit, take a wheelchair with you. This will come in handy for you in case of an accident i.e. if one of them falls and you need to carry them.
Rent a charter bus
When planning an excursion for a senior citizen center, you want to ensure the safety of each individual. Also, you want to find a way of transport that is convenient for everyone and that will help cut on the costs. Renting a charter bus is a great way to cut on these costs and also move the elderly individuals to their destination at your convenience. It will be harder to deal with every individual’s needs when using public transport so consider Charter Bus Rentals as your transport mode.
Choose the time wisely
The last thing you want to do is to take the senior individuals on an excursion early in the morning or late in the evening. They are no longer as strong as they used to be so traveling during those hours of the day can be daunting for them. Instead, go for your excursion at midday or late mornings to make the most out of it.
Consider a non-stop flight
If you are traveling long-distance, then consider a non-stop flight as it goes a long way to reducing travel time. You want the distance to be as short as possible for elderly individuals to reduce fatigue and jet lag. You also don’t have to worry about a missed connection with a direct flight, but if you can, plan to travel for a shorter distance.
Choose a light-activity excursion
If the excursion was for teenagers, then a hike or water rafting would be interesting, but would not be the best kind of excursions for elderly individuals. You want to go for an excursion that requires minimal activity like cruising, sightseeing or even a wildlife excursion. They require minimal activity but are also memorable.
nice post