3 Mobile Marketing Statistics to Guide Your Strategy

Mobile marketing is an important aspect of advertising. Mobile marketing is for more than just marketing and advertising companies. You need to have an effective strategy that will let mobile users see your business or your venture. It is essential that you understand consumer behavior, and how they use their mobile apps as well as websites that can be accessed using their mobile phones. You also need to think about the content and how it can be designed to fit different mobile sizes. Here are three mobile statistics that can guide your strategy.

3 Mobile Marketing Statistics to Guide Your Strategy

3 Mobile Marketing Statistics to Guide Your Strategy

  1.    Apps Take the Highest Check of Mobile User’s Time

Almost three billion people own a smartphone. On average, smartphone owners will spend about three to four hours using their smartphones. About 90% of this time is spent on mobile apps. This means that most users are mostly using social networking sites like Instagram and WhatsApp, and rarely using browsers on their phones. This statistic calls for companies to curate their content to that which fits in with mobile apps like creating Instagram and Facebook ads. This does not mean that you ignore the mobile browsers, since their users that make use of their browsers. Have a mix of content for both apps and browsers but with an inclination to mobile apps.

  1.    A Huge Percentage Consider Content Important

More than 90% of all mobile users consider content very important. It is this content that drives users to proceed and check for more and if they are interested in purchasing a product. As a marketing strategist, you need to have content that fits in with various mobile smartphone sizes. Most companies, about 52%, use the same simple template to design images and texts that can fit in nearly all devices. It is essential that you have content that is attractive that mobile users will enjoy viewing. You can also have a mix of material to draw more attention. Make sure that your content is not only colorful but provides the required information and opens up nice and quickly in most mobile devices. According to research, users get bored quickly and move on to other content if there is a delay in opening up of particular content.

  1.    Users Carry Out A Significant Amount of Transactions with Mobile Phones

More than 60% of Instagram users claim that they have at one point purchased a product directly from their Instagram accounts. Users also use their mobile phones to make payments using money transfer apps such as PayPal and Skrill. These online transactions account for more than 40% of all online sales. This number is significant considering that personal computers, tablets, and all other devices share up the rest. It is to show that most online transactions, most of which are financial are through smartphones. Companies need, therefore, to have user-friendly websites where users can quickly check out their products and make purchases without having to go through a cumbersome process.
