3 New Year’s Resolutions for Your Website
Will 2020 be the year you take your digital marketing to the next level?
The end of the year always provides a great chance to look back and audit your online efforts over the last 12 months. What went well? What missed the mark? And what have we learned? We need to use this information to set new goals for the next year.
To help you ensure that 2020 is your website’s best year ever, here are 3 New Year’s Resolutions you can make.
1. Help Your Website Lose Weight
Your website may be running a bit slower than it did a year ago. That’s likely because it may be holding 12 months’ worth of new images, videos, and blog posts.
Properly and regularly pruning your content is essential to making sure your site is always running as lean as possible, which leads to faster load speeds.
Your site may also be slower because you went with a cheap hosting solution. Now is the time to upgrade your host to something more reliable. For example, HostPapa offers WordPress hosting that can support high volumes of traffic.
2. Listen More, Say Less
Twitter’s slogan is “Join the conversation.” However, too many companies see Twitter and the rest of social media as a soapbox instead of a conversation.
We have never had access to more social media monitoring tools than we have right now. Are you using one?
The data you can pull from these conversations about your brand is invaluable. Smart companies take the pain points expressed in social conversations and turn them into incredible content. The top 10 complaints you see from people talking about your industry should be the title of your next 10 blog posts, word-for-word.
It doesn’t matter if the verbiage they use is “off-brand” for you. These are the words your target audience is using, so you would be wise to use these words to update your brand guidelines and your keyword strategy.
You shouldn’t be the one defining your brand’s voice—your audience should.
3. Eat Better. Eat Your Competition’s Keywords
Are you solely focused on your own keywords? That’s a mistake. You’re only achieving about half of the success you should be.
You should be using a tool like ahrefs or SEMRush to look at your competitions’ keyword wins and seeing which ones you can steal from them.
You can also use these tools to see where your competition is earning their links. If one of these sites ran a guest post for your competitors, odds are good that they will also run one for you too. Use this list of links to populate a link building strategy for the New Year.
Google updated its search algorithm about 3000 times last year and you can count on a few thousand more in 2020. However, these 3 tactics will serve you well for the next 12 months, and the 12 months after that. Fast sites, social insights, and detailed keyword research will never go out of style.
Set yourself up for online success in 2020 and beyond!